there had been long time i planned to do this, just get a free time to do so, hopefully it wont be too late. i would like to describe in chinese to express the feeling better, but english i will still try to make it as clear as possible...
the girl that who loves hamster and addicted to anime, and i found her that she really looks like...haha
autism anime girl, manga drawing well, i think that's what makes me feel more easy to draw them...
Szu Jin:
宅女3,不完全宅,偶像是girl generation 美女组合,computer graphic一流,只是没什么沟通到。。。
autism girl no.3, girl generation's fanz, good in computer graphic, lack of conversation with her...
he is a helpful feller but always make himself had a hard time. most of us had our dreams, he is the 1 need to be more brave to chase his dream...fighting!
Boon Kien:
朋友是互相利用的,这句话用在他身上最贴切,也是正宗的photostat machine,可是他最近便到比较娘了,跟loke wan 太多了。。哈哈
he makes me totally understand, friends is just a tool, we use each other when the right time. he can totally cloned something if he found out the way with very clear instruction to do so.these days he is being more "gay" as goes with loke wan too much...lol
she seems to be strong, but her inner part is weak, quite emo, but i believe she will be stronger than ever...
Loke Wan:
就是一个shit gay,一天到晚在那边发什么桥?做东西快能看,只是心比较野,clubbing欲强,改变下态度可以很厉害。。。
A jackass shit gay bastard, act like a girl often. i like the way he do stuff, fast n furious...lol...but when some1 call him to club, he might throw away all the things...actually is a pro shit
Boon Guan:
a handsome guy with alot of bad news, hope that he recover soon and be the man that i know of him...
tall guy, also abit girlish, not really understand him, just had fun of it...LOL
Chao Giar:
ham ham sap sap,一幅leh feh样,其实他很好人,无论遇到什么困境他都是保持着笑容,这不是我们都所欲望的吗?
universally accepted horny guy, dfk is his hobby, doesnt really looks well but with a kind heart to be a friend. he will never show you how depress he is even face alot of difficulties, i think that is the hardest part to every1 of us to be...
he is an annoying guy last time, over confident of his abilities, i had been long time didnt notice him...
Sun Sun:
although not close to her, wish her all d best in study...
Ai Yeng:
i was actually hving alot of fun and laugh when my frenz act her, for more information, please asked AD students and had fun!!!lol
warning!!! van crashed!!!she is the 1 that i like to "zat" her, and i enjoy her reaction...haha...she sing very well, but her "zat" skill is better, a good friend just sometimes she cant keep ppls secret...
Zhen Ning:
不要看他矮矮的,她是superwoman 龙头大家姐,文武双全,是我朋友的fanz,整天会假假扮cute,其实粗女一名。。。
3 chun dang, shortest girl ever i met, but she her ability is higher than every1, she is the superwoman!!!like to act cute, actually damn rude. a fanz of my best fren, Jam Hsiao...i think we got similar taste of music...
great in everything except herself =X...very pro, in drawing and talking (crap), her unstoppable effort of talking spirit is the thing that i admired the most. OMG!! holy godlike, when she is being with kiv (another crap talker)...
laugh without any purpose all the time, whatever,just laugh, her style...1 of the person who likes to eat but wont gain weight...she had a bad habit after meal, u might know some days...lol
减肥革命,可是有爱吃,很会享受的人,废话很厉害的人,每次跟siew围攻我的人,很多秘密可是没人懂的人,shopping griller。。。
eat, sleep, shit, is his life!!! he afraid of gaining weight but it wont stop him to enjoy delicious food in the world, like to talk crap, with his partner siew, i m always their victim to be shoot...sigh...but thats funny...shopping griller, no shop no life, alot of things i still do not know, mayb there was too much to know...
Ah Kai:
he is the first guy i met once i step into this class, but unfortunately, we dont keep in touch...talk without work properly
not the kind of person i m able to handle with, but i dont mind to be friend...
dreaming all the time, he missed alot of things when class, and always had alot problems to ask...
蠢蠢的,过于天真,自拍女王,整天说jay chou是她的爱人。。。
a super naive girl with over self-confidence that always cam whoring, Jay Chou is always her lover...but she doesnt that naive after these days...
bebe's roommate, always hanging out with her other friends, thats y i dun hv much things to tell about her...
muscular rich guy with kindness, he is always the 1 we called him the good guy, wish him all the best in Australia!!!
no fashion, no life...he is definitely rich and never had financial problem...he is very direct, either good or bad, and thats the part i like of him, just he need to control sometimes in order to hurt others unconsciously...he looks cool, but he is super "wei" , and he is 1 of the true fren i considered...
perfectionism, ambitious in everything, but he always forgot about how far actually he can be...like to act with emotion (sometimes really feel like slap himself), had a boring life since he plan to have a better future...become a night cat with assignments, but still love to sleep, sleeping is fun!!! glad that know all the ppls above, either good or bad, u guyz brighten his life... friends=strength=power...fighting!!!
dun blame me if it doesnt really looks like u...n sorry if i missed any1...
any additional description pls feel free to drop comments...
~~Friendship Forever~~